Brunel University London
KS1000MR Micro Rib Moonstone Spectrum panels, with Signal Red PPC aluminium column casing.
New Industrial Unit Suffolf/Norfolk border in Beccles
120mm Thick Trisomet insulated Roof panels & Triple skin factory assembled roof lights to suit. 100mm Thick Trisomet insulated Wall panels & PPC Aluminium Flashing feature band.
Colour scheme as per customers design theme.
All Flashings fixings, Fillers & sealants supplied along with trim line gutters & rain waters goods to match. to complete the building envelope.
Trisomet 80mm Thick Insulated Panels – Goosewing Grey
Strip of asbestos sheeting & re-install Trisomet 80mm thick composite panels in Goosewing Grey.
Materials: Supplied Trisomet 80mm Thick Insulated panels Goosewing Grey.
Trisomet triple-skin factory assembled roof lights. All flashings, fixings, sealants & trim line gutters to complete the install, Photo Voltaics (PV Panels) installed over roof (by others).